Connecting With Other People Who Are Gluten Free

Connecting With Other People Who Are Gluten Free
Finally Found Some People Who Get It

I feel like I have been living on a deserted island for so long! I didn’t know hardly anyone who was gluten free, and no one who was gluten free, dairy free and egg free. While my spouse is very understanding as is my family, they do not have to live with it every meal.

Well last fall I realized that four of the parents and one of the kids at my daughter school are gluten free! That is out of 32 families! That amazed me! I started making gluten free items for our parent meetings and talking to other people face to face about what it is like to have food sensitivities. All of this without having to worry about explaining it much or being doubted. It was a revelation! It convinced me to start this blog!

Then, I realized there must be a Facebook group or 10 out there about being gluten free and you guessed it, there are! Lots! Seeing these strangers posts from around the world about how being gluten free is affecting them was astounding! It changed my perspective on what it means to have a food sensitivity, or allergy, or celiac, or IBS. It is so common and so misunderstood overall. However, those moments when someone understands, be it on Facebook or a friend, or partner who gets you a special treat, those, those are priceless!

So if you are feeling alone and like no one understands you and your food sensitvities, reach out! Reach out on Facebook, Twitter, on all of the many blogs about the subject. There are so many people out there who are going through the same or similar things as you!

I cannot believe I waited so long to look for these people. They have made such a difference in my life and I don’t even know most of them. The amount of advice, recipes, general knowledge and kindness that is shared in these groups every day is so helpful to me and I assume to others as well.

Here is a group that I just started. It is a very small group as of now, but I hope that it will grow into a larger group in the near future. Please join me there in my group Gluten Free and Dairy Free Community:

Here is the group I am part of it is called simply Gluten Free International :

Another great group for people with children who can’t have dairy or gluten is:

You have to apply to join and write a couple of sentences about why you want to join. They have rules about not criticizing other people’s food choices. It is a very supportive virtual space.

I am sure there are in person support groups as well. For me at this stage in my life, I don’t have time to meet in person. However, if you do and you want to here is a link where you can search for meetup groups in your area. The often go out to eat at gluten free places together as well. Any way you can grow your support network is great.

However you find your support and your knowledge I wish you the best. It isn’t an easy road some days. However, most days you can live a pretty normal life and eat very well.

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